I. YOOS - Your Own Online Server -
1.1. Plug the hard drive to the YOOS - Your Own Online Server - with the USB cable.
1.2. Connect the YOOS to your Internet router using the Ethernet cable.
1.3. Power on the YOOS by plugging the power adapter.
From that point the YOOS will start registering your personal domain name and the domain name will be propagated. The process should not take more than 30 minutes.
If not, please follow the FAQs page called "First setup - Troubleshooting".
You should now use your 3G / 4G connected handphone to browse your personal domain name (for instance https://customize.yoos-storage.com/) to see your server landing page.
2. Then, you just need to:
2.1. Open your self-hosted data storage. Please, follow the set up.
2.2. Then, do the VPN server set up.
3. Then, you can set up the features:
- IV. Torrents
- V. Files sharing
- VI. Email server
- VII. Administrator interface
Recommendation: we advise you register the email address from the first YOOS email in your email address book so that our emails do not go into spam / junk emails.