YOOS - Your Own Online Server -


YOOS devices

YOOS - Your Own Online Server allows you to host up to 5 simultaneous connections to your personal VPN, independent storage and several email accounts into your server. All these features in a very compact format, close to the size of a credit card.


YOOS - Your Own Online Server comes with a self-hosted data storage, a personal VPN with its ad blocker, a private email server, a torrent server, a file sharing, and a secured administrator interface.
Shape your Server using the step by step procedures provided for easy integration.

In order to guarantee both maximum security and privacy, there are no default settings ⚙.
Instead, step by step procedures are provided for you to set up your profile and preferred features. 



Home server

Yoos-Storage allows your remote access (from anywhere in the world) to all the above services including the confidential data stored on your home server. 
This is the most secure way since you are the only one to have access to it, just as you are the only one to have your home keys.
Nowadays, most business models value users data. YOOS values user privacy and data confidentiality instead.

Yoos info

The things that fundamentally matter to us are the security of your data and the privacy of your digital content. The implementation of the YOOS - Your Own Online Server security protocols is rated A+ by Qualys (test your server by yourself here).

Team commitments

The privacy and security of your data and information is our priority. That is why we developed a secure server infrastructure hosting all your features. Your data will remain private and confidential as stated in our Privacy Policy.
We have chosen to use and support this technology and we will continue to develop updates as and when necessary.
Our goal is to provide our customers with a “Plug & Play” and user-friendly device. Because we are human before all, you are not going to deal with robots, or chatbots!
For any question, 

contact us



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