V. Files Sharing

The files sharing feature is powered by Samba. It enables file sharing over a network, browsing and viewing the downloaded files from any device using any OS (Windows, macOS, linux, Android...).

Link ownCloud and Samba

You can have access to Samba through your ownCloud interface. The folder is called SMB. To configure it, please follow the procedure below.

1. Check the "Enable external storage" box and fill in the boxes as the screenshot below specifies:

2. Once done, this page should appear.

3. The SMB folder should appear in your ownCloud.

4. Inside this folder you will the files you shared through Samba.

You are done and can now fully enjoy this feature!

Mount ownCloud as a drive

You can connect and synchronize with your ownCloud files over WebDAV. Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) extension that makes it easy to create, read, and edit files on Web servers. With WebDAV you can access your ownCloud shares on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows in the same way as any remote network share, and stay synchronized (ownCloud documentation).

1. Windows

The following mapping to a drive enables you to browse files stored on an ownCloud server the way you would files stored in a mapped network drive.

1.1. Prior to mapping your drive, you must permit the use of Basic Authentication in the Windows Registry. The procedure is documented in KB841215 and differs between Windows XP/Server 2003 and Windows Vista/7. Please follow the Knowledge Base article before proceeding, and follow the Vista instructions if you run Windows 7.

1.2. Open a command prompt in Windows (Win+R).

1.3. Enter the following line in the command prompt to map to the computer Z drive:

net use z: https://demo.yoos-storage.com/owncloud/remote.php/webdav /user:"write your username" "write your password"

If you have trouble, please refer to the FAQ page called "Yoos-Storage - Samba issues".

2. Linux

2.1. Use the davs:// protocol to connect the file manager to your ownCloud share:


screenshot of configuring Nautilus file manager to use WebDAV
More information

3. MacOS

3.1. To access files through the Mac OS X Finder, choose Go > Connect to Server.

3.2. The “Connect to Server” window opens. Specify the address of the server in the Server Address field.

3.3. For example, the URL used to connect to the ownCloud server from the Mac OS X Finder is:


3.4. Click Connect. The device connects to the server.

4. Smartphones

You can use other apps to connect to ownCloud from your mobile device using WebDAV. WebDAV Navigator is a good app for Android devicesiPhones, and BlackBerry devices. The URL to use on these is:


Connect to Samba

Use Samba to share files, even heavy ones, inside the network.

If you are inside your home network, you will need to know your YOOS Server private IP address. To do so, login to your home router page. The IP address should look like 192.168.1.X, or 192.168.0.X, with X between 2 and 254.
If you are using Samba over your VPN, use the IP address
In the next steps, the IP address will be referred to as <IP>, being it internal or through VPN.


Open a command prompt in Windows (Win+R). Enter the following line in the command prompt to map to the computer Z drive:

net use z: \\<IP>\ /user:"write your username" "write your password" /persistent:Yes

If you have trouble, please refer to the FAQ page called "Yoos-Storage - Samba issues".


Open the application Finder, then select Go > Connect to server. In the address bar, enter smb://<IP>. Then login with the credentials that were shared with you over email.


Open the file manager application, and Connect to server. Use the smb://<IP> in the address bar. Then login with the credentials that were shared with you over email.


Open the Files application, select the three dots at the top right corner, then Connect to Server. Use the smb://<IP> in the address bar. Then login with the credentials that were shared with you over email.


Download and install an application compatible with Samba. Use the smb://<IP> as the address. Then login with the credentials that were shared with you over email.


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